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Interview with Expat Arrivals: Thoughts of an Expat Wife in Jakarta...Part 1

I totally forgot about this. I did this interview with Expat Arrivals( when I first moved to Jakarta(like 7 months ago from the date of this post). Hopefully this may help to shed some light to those who are considering to relocate/move to Jakarta or those who has just arrived.

And well of course some thoughts and feelings have changed after being here for a while, I'll write a part 2 really soon..

Taken from:

About Cassandra

Cassandra - A Singaporean expat living in IndonesiaQ: Where are you originally from? 
A: Singapore, and my husband is from Canada.
Q: Where are you living now? 
A:  Jakarta, Indonesia
Q: When did you move to Indonesia? 
A: September 2013.
Q: Did you move alone or with a spouse/family? 
A:  We moved here as a family; with my husband and one year old toddler.
Q: Why did you move to Indonesia; what do you do? 
A:  We made a decision to move here in support of my husband’s new role here in Jakarta. I left my job in advertising just before we came here. It was a really tough decision; especially when I had to give up my job, friends and the sense of familiarity back in Singapore.
The great catalyst to our move is also that we see Jakarta as a place with great potential and opportunities; we were also starting to get tired of Singapore’s ‘perfect-ness’ and orchestrated lifestyle. Our son is still young (we do not need to worry about school, friends, etc.) so we hopped onto the chance to get out of our comfort zone.

Living in Indonesia

Q: What do you enjoy most about Jakarta? How would you rate the quality of life compared to your home country? 
A:  Vibrancy, chaos, culture. I don’t really know how to put it in exact words; Jakarta is like a mixed salad, there’s a mix of everything and when you put all together, it actually tastes pretty good. It is hard for me to give a fair comparison as I was working back in Singapore while I am not in Jakarta. It is already a big difference, from a super hectic advertising job to staying at home. 
However, I would say there’s definitely more to do here than in Singapore.
Q: Any negatives? What do you miss most about home? 
A:  Safety and the ability to walk on the streets. I miss being able to walk to anywhere without worrying to get robbed, the pedestrian crossings, and sidewalks. 
Q: What are the biggest adjustments you had to make when settling into expat life in Jakarta? Did you experience any particular elements of culture shock?
A: From being ultra independent back in Singapore to being highly dependent on others here as I am not able to understand or speak Bahasa. Not much of a culture shock though. 
Q: What’s the cost of living compared to home? What is cheap or expensive in particular? 
A:  Perhaps it’s the area we are staying, Central Jakarta, we find that cost of living is comparable to Singapore in most aspects. We are paying the same rent as we were in Singapore and spending twice as much on groceries than we did back home. If you dine outside, the cost is comparable to Singapore. Just that for the same price, you get better ambience and service here.
Labour and transport is half of what it costs in Singapore though, so that’s the upside. 
Q: How would you rate the public transport in Jakarta? What are the different options? Do you need to own a car?
A: There are only taxis (take only the blue or silverbirds) and cars for expats. Taking the bus is unheard of. Yes you do need a car to get around, especially if you have a family and own one preferably. Driving in Jakarta is crazy and I would definitely recommend putting your kid in the child seat. 
Q: How would you rate the healthcare in Indonesia? Have you had any particularly good/bad experiences with regards to doctors and hospitals? Are there any hospitals you would recommend?
A: I can’t really comment much yet but I heard that many expats and even affluent locals fly to Singapore to receive medical treatment or to give birth. Most expats with kids go to SOS Clinic or JWCC (Jakarta Women & Children Clinic) in Jakarta.
Q: What are the biggest safety issues facing expats living in Jakarta? Are there any areas expats should avoid?
A: Not anything major so far; the bombings or riots are at the back of our minds. No particular area that we heard in Jakarta is unsafe, just avoid dark alleys and foreign places at night, you know…common sense. 
Q: How do you rate the standard of housing in Jakarta? What different options are available for expats?
A:  There’s a price to everything. For the same price we are paying for our three-bedroom in city central, we could have a five-bedroom mansion with a huge pool and garden in the South. That being said, the bigger space would have come with a price of my husband needing to go through the traffic to and fro and hence less family time. So it’s really what you are trading for; money for more time or time for more space. 
Depending your budget for housing, you can choose from private bungalows, to townhouses within a compound (security all taken care of), apartment, serviced apartments, etc. There’s really plenty of choices, and again it comes with a price. 
Q: Any areas/suburbs in Jakarta you’d recommend for expats to live in?
A:  Most expats live in the South or Central Jakarta. Popular areas are Kemang, Pondok Inah, Kuningan, Menteng. 

Meeting people and making friends in Jakarta

Q: How tolerant are the locals of foreigners? Is there any obvious discrimination against particular religions or women etc.?
A: Our encounters have been very pleasant, with locals being very polite and friendly towards us. There doesn’t seem to be any particular discrimination. 
Q: Was it easy meeting people and making friends? How did you go about meeting new people in Jakarta? 
A: Yes it is, like anywhere you just need to put yourself out there. I decided to try the proactive route and I have written a post about it in my blog,
Q: Have you made friends with locals or do you mix mainly with other expats? What advice would you give to new expats looking to make friends? Any social/expat groups you can recommend?
A:  I have made friends with both locals (mostly overseas educated Indonesians) and other expats. 
The best advice is to keep a very open mind; it’s like finding a job. You need to interview with a couple before you find the perfect organisation and it’s really similar to finding friends. Some interviews will go well, some not too well but after a while you will have a couple of really good options.  

Working in Jakarta

Q: Did you have a problem getting a visa or work permit for Indonesia? Did you tackle the visa process yourself or did you enlist the services of an immigration consultant?
A:  No but it takes a really long while, you know slowly yet surely. My husband’s company helped us with it.
Q: What’s the economic climate like in Jakarta? Do you have any tips for expats looking to find a job there? Which resources did you find most useful?
A: Lots of money and attention is on Jakarta right now, it’s one of the key focus markets for many international organisations. Find a job before getting to Jakarta and don’t just go through online job listing sites, as it is still kind of backwards here in terms of digital technology. They do not update their webpages or reply to emails promptly. Look up the hiring manager on LinkedIn and reach out to them there.
Q: How does the work culture differ from home? Do you have any tips for expats doing business in Indonesia?
A:  Totally different, Singaporeans pride themselves in being super efficient, while Indonesians are happy to enjoy the ride. People here are more change adverse as well so you can’t push them too hard. If you want to do business here, you have to 1. Understand the way people work here, and 2. Have a local contact that you can trust.

Family and children in Indonesia

Q: Did your spouse or partner have problems adjusting to their new home? Do you think there are any specific challenges for a trailing spouse?
A:  My husband and my son fit in quite quickly with no issues, I guess my husband was extremely occupied at work so that helped with the transition. Whereas as a trailing spouse, I do feel pangs of mixed emotions - from missing my friends/colleagues/job; to an occasional sense of a loss in identity; to elation that I can do things I didn’t have a chance to do while working.

And finally…

Q: Is there any other advice you would like to offer new expat arrivals?
A:  Always come to a new city with a positive mind set. It is really all about perceptions. 
Instead of finding the jams annoying, I strangely find zen amongst it.  Life in Singapore is really fast-paced that one doesn’t have much time in between schedules. The jams in Jakarta actually gave me time to think; to just look around and observe my surroundings; to witness life around and count my blessings. Friends from other busy cities like New York, Hong Kong, etc. actually feel similarly too.
Embrace the culture, pick up the language and you will fit in seamlessly.


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