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Showing posts from April, 2014

Interview with Expat Arrivals: Thoughts of an Expat Wife in Jakarta...Part 1

I totally forgot about this. I did this interview with Expat Arrivals ( when I first moved to Jakarta (like 7 months ago from the date of this post) . Hopefully this may help to shed some light to those who are considering to relocate/move to Jakarta or those who has just arrived. And well of course some thoughts and feelings have changed after being here for a while, I'll write a part 2 really soon.. Taken from: About Cassandra   Q: Where are you originally from?  A: Singapore, and my husband is from Canada.   Q: Where are you living now?  A:  Jakarta, Indonesia   Q: When did you move to Indonesia?  A: September 2013.   Q: Did you move alone or with a spouse/family?  A:  We moved here as a family; with my husband and one year old toddler.   Q: Why did you move to Indonesia; what do you do?  A: ...

Prenatal Massage at Mom N Jo

The joys of pregnancy does not just stop at morning sickness. 2nd trimester arrives and say hello to Mr Backache! Oh you didn't experience either morning sickness nor backaches? Go away! You shouldn't even be reading this post..Just kidding! On a more serious note, most pregnant women like myself will start to feel aches around the body once 2nd trimester hits. The increased weight from the belly adds more pressure to our backs as well as legs, hence the aches begin. And for me, the need to gag into the toilet bowl at least twice a day causes my neck and shoulders to ache too. Yes I know, I feel like I've aged fifty years being pregnant. However as much as we need the comforts of a massage, one can't just step into any massage place now. Firstly we can't lie face down anymore...duh! Hence we need massages that are tailored for us while we lie sideways which means options are kind of limited. I decided to check with my good friend once again, Mr Google and ta...

House Decor Ideas: Check Out Jalan Surabaya Antique Market

Are you like me who's attracted to things that have a history or looked like they have a history? Or maybe you are looking for some more interesting artefacts to add to your home decor? Well my buddy J and I definitely were and we decided to check out the famous antique street/market in Jakarta- Jalan Surabaya. This made me miss those times when I used to type essays with a typewriter. One has to have patience to go through the piles of collectibles.  Was tempted to get the gramophone for G. Just love these vintage binoculars/telescopes. J got one of these for her son. There's a couple of things to note over there:  1. You need to haggle. A lot. Most of the shopkeepers start with higher prices; although some must just be out of their mind or don't want your business, they quote you ridiculous figures. They quote us a vintage fan at 20 million rupiah..yes  20,000,000idr  (~2,000usd). We laughed and walked away. This is clearly a lost...

Private Make-up Lessons in Jakarta..Should you or not?

Have you ever wondered what a private make up lessons are like or perhaps you are thinking if you should take up one? Perhaps my experience below will help you to decide better.  It was almost another typical morning in Jakarta for Katie, an expat housewife with three lovely children; just that in between her usual schedule, she has squeezed some time out for a makeup lesson. The great thing was that she did not need to waste any time travelling as the lesson will be conducted right at the comfort of her home and the lesson fee costed her less than her usual grocery bill. Katie was kind enough to allow me to crash her make up lesson. I had been to beauty classes organised by some beauty brands like Dior which took place in classroom settings with at least ten other people, so I wonder the difference between those type of lessons as to private ones. Founder of Sahana Sky, and also a good friend of ours, Janet arrived at Katie's promptly at 9am. With Espressos, notebooks and m...