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Some Tips for a New Mother

My baby tiger
Alexander is currently 4.5 months old and on partial breastfeeding supplemented by formula and solids. Yes Alex started on solids at 4 months old as his pediatrician gave a go ahead. I have also returned back to work for a month and returned to my pre-pregnancy figure(almost).

I thought it would help some moms by posting various tips that I picked up the last few months:

How to increase breastmilk

1. Use a double pump (would recommend Medela's double pump)

When I first gave birth, I was using Medela's swing, a single pump. It was a good pump but it was not fast enough and also tiring for me. I got the double pump and seriously it reduces my stress of producing enough milk.

Firstly I got almost twice the amount of milk by using the double pump (increased from 200ml to 400ml in total) each pump. I pump 4 times throughout the whole day- 9am, 2pm,6pm,10pm and slept through the night. Not a problem at all. However you got to keep your pumping routine regular

2. Drink double boiled chicken soup

Whenever I feel there is a dip in my milk supply (usually after pumping irregularly), this would be my SOS option. One whole kampong or black chicken, only 2 bowls of water, 4 scallops, some garlic cloves and some black beans, dump everything into a slowcooker for 5hours. Down that two bowls of soup. Works like magic.

3. Brew Mother's Milk Tea

Available in the organic shop on level 5, Paragon. Works for myself and most of other moms I spoke to.

How to know if baby's ready for solids

1. A dip in appetite or intake of milk
Alexander loves loves loves milk. However for a week, we have to literally force him to drink otherwise he would not show any indication that he wants to drink.

2. Fussing Increases
Checked the diaper? Fed already? Shower already? Sleep already? Still crying?

Probably teething. And he keeps chewing on his blankie and toys.

3. Excited when you are eating
Alexander just keep squealing and cooing excitedly whenever we are having our dinner. He would look at us longingly and drool at the same time. We found it utmost amusing in the beginning.

4. Pediatrician says so
We brought Alex for his 4 month check and told the PD all the symptoms. And Alex was also holding up his head very well, PD gave a go ahead that this little piglet is all ready for solids.

Will continue to post more tips in my other posts!


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