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Showing posts from July, 2012

Pregnancy Push Gift

And a big thank you and hug to hubby for a very sweet push gift:) I wonder how many women(who actually went through pregnancy and childbirth) would say that it is an easy task. Now that I am going through pregnancy the very first time, and passing through all the different stages of discomfort from morning sickness, merlioning (puking), backaches, migraine, leg swelling, you name it...  I would say every pregnant woman or mom deserves a gift especially from their husbands or partners ! It is not bribery. The gift does not need to be extravagant. It is the thought behind that counts. It is letting the female know that "hey I appreciate you bringing this life to earth and going through all the hardwork!"  It is all about appreciation and the benefit of receiving a physical gift is that you get to keep it as a sentimental token. You know like showing your children and grandchildren in the future...beaming as you tell them,  " Grandpapa gave this to me when...

Third Trimester: Pregnant Working Mom

PREGNANCY GLOW? SERIOUSLY... I think media has painted such an unrealistic expectation of pregnancy. Perhaps I should be thankful or grateful that I have been getting quite a number of compliments on how well I look during my pregnancy. However that doesn't ease any of the numerous discomfort that I am feeling. Once my back was aching so much and I was in so much misery that even a compliment from my big boss makes me feel like throwing a pan at him. I know he's just trying to be sweet and cheer up this grouchy pregnant lady's day..ah well.. when a pregger feels bad, she's all grumpy. Pregnancy changed my entire perspective on women or rather mothers and also increased my respect/admiration for pregnant working moms. I am currently at my 34 weeks, still working however finding it gradually tougher to last past half the day. I am definitely looking forward to my maternity leave in three weeks' time. I really wonder how some women managed to work all the ...

Guide to Hiring Domestic Helpers/Maids in Singapore

Need domestic help? Where do we begin? Yeah I finally put an end to my procrastination and completed the e-learning course on Foreign Domestic Worker Employer's Orientation Program.  (you may apply and take the course here, will cost you about $30: ) In case you are wondering what that is, it is a compulsory course/certification that first time employers in Singapore have to go through before being allowed to hire a foreign domestic helper. You would need to do this before you can even apply a work permit for your helper. After much consideration and debate, my husband and I decided to engage a helper to look after the baby when I return to work from my maternity leave. I will list the pros and cons of different childcare options in another post. Anyway below is my version of   " Engaging Helpers for Dummies in Singapore " : 1. Look for a reliable maid agency. (drop me a note if you want to know mine.) Once you decided to engage a...

Scaring Female Colleagues

There's a reason why pregnancy is 9 months but not 9 weeks. Just had a quick lunch catch-up with a few of my female colleagues, discussing about pregnancy, labour and new motherhood. Rach declared that she was going to adopt instead and I told her that that would not be the wisest choice. Surprised why I would say that since I was complaining how uncomfortable being pregnant is, I told her my theory simply. "Well if the baby is giving you trouble, you would think twice strangling it." They all stared wide-eyed at me, waiting for me to continue. "You wouldn't want to go through the pregnancy for another 9 months again." --- It's just a joke folks, pregnancy is a beautiful thing..just wish it could be easier sometimes. ;)

Full Time Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a full-time job. It makes sense to get paid. Noticed that my colleague was looking really tense on a Friday,  I asked him out of concern. " Hey, what's up today? Cheer up, it's Friday...weekends' round the corner!" He sighed as he dropped his head, saying he had a campaign launching on that day. With a serious and straight face, I patted his shoulders and told him solemnly. " You know Zach, pregnancy really changed my perspective about work." Surprised with my change of tone, he looked up and waited for me to continue.  "You can rest during the weekends but I am still pregnant during the weekends." ---